The latest HAI-OPS partner meeting took place on July 25th and 26th, in the NZOZ Eskulap clinic in Skierniwice, Poland. The meeting location was selected given that the Eskulap clinic will host the system’s two pilot deployments, the first of which is expected to start early in 2018. As part of the meeting, the project team settled on three workflows that will be monitored as part of the pilot deployment: the consultations in the general practitioner’s office, the minor surgery workflow and a limited deployment of the after-hours cleaning workflow.
The project team undertook a detailed examination of the clinic wards where these workflows take place, engaged in discussion with the practitioners involved and settled on the required equipment types and quantities. Furthermore, the project team discussed about how the monitoring will be extended to other workflows as well as the advanced line of defence geared towards identification of elusive infections and outbreak prevention and monitoring.